
Please let us know if there is anything else you would like to see in the site using the comments box below. You can also use this to RSVP, or to just say Hello!

Dave & Anca x

4 thoughts on “Comments

  1. Hi, Just to say we are looking forward to the day and the whole experience of a Romanian wedding! As you know we have booked flights to arrive on Thursday 3rd
    until Tuesday 8th, so see you there!
    Also Good luck and best wishes for the 25th April we will be thinking of you.
    Love from Auntie Ro and Uncle Alan. xx

  2. Great website David and Anca! Our flights are already booked, and Lillie’s first passport is on its way! I think it’s safe to say we’re coming! Can’t wait! xxx

  3. Hi guys,
    Great website, I can tell that one of you is a pro! 😉
    It answered all but one of my questions… but I’ll save that for Iulia 🙂
    See you soon,

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